Sunday, 16 May 2010

Marshman + Race Report

I had kept it quiet that I was racing as I wasn’t confident that the word racing would apply, rather participating given my recent calf injury and lack of running (Then noticed my name mentioned in Tri 247 race weekend preview! – a secret no longer). I finally entered last Saturday, after much umming and ahhing – the forecast at that time was rain, 7 degrees and 20mph wind. The plan agreed with coach (Sarah Coope) was to race swim and bike then drop the intensity down on the run and cruise to the finish. Mentally I was prepared not to complete the run if necessary.

Fortunately the race is only 1hour from home so I got to enjoy a restless night sleep at home rather than in a tent. The race organiser described the race as low key – this it was, but velocity events staff were friendly, helpful and full of enthusiasm. The prospect of swim 2600m in 12 degree water was not getting me psyched this morning. But armed with skull cap and Zoot Zenith suit I ventured in. After the initial shock of the cold wore off I settled into a comfortable rhythm and found some feet. I think I had a pretty good swim, I’ve no idea of time as forgot stop watch –doh!.

I’m sure I have the longest transition ever as I struggled to take off wetsuit with cold hands and feet and cramping calves, and putting on winter bike jersey and gloves! Finally off out of transition and out on the bike. I was using this race as practise for IM Nice – Similarities none. Nice hot 26 degrees. Lydd (Kent) lucky if got to 13 degrees. Nice – Hilly. Lydd – Flat. But anyway practise for pacing and nutrition. The course uses time trial routes in the area and is pretty flat and has potential to be fast – depending on the wind,. We were lucking to have a favourable wind direction and it was pretty calm in the early part of the morning, but picked up over the day. Living near by, I have both trained and raced on most of the course, so knew what to expect. The course was well marshalled on the whole. There was just on point on the top of the course I was a bit unsure of, and could have done with a few more signs. Bike went to plan and I took lead about 25/30miles in. I have been loving Snickers bars towards the end of steady long bikes recently (discovered on a wet and windy ride, with lots of chaffing/ soreness and I needed a sugar and mental pick me up – worked a treat). But I discovered today that that the last thing I want when racing!! I finally could feel my feet on the second loop of the bike. The wind picked up through the morning, giving a strong headwind in one section, but a screaming tail wind for the last 5 or so miles back to transition. 130km done.

Out on the run as planned I eased the pace back and ran at a comfortable pace. My legs felt good but I didn’t want to aggravate my calf so kept it controlled. All was going well until between miles 2- 3 I managed to hit the pavement. Possibilities are a) that I trip on a stone, which then magically disappeared b) the girl behind tripped me up or c) I tripped over my own feet. I spectacularly took a tumble incurring graze and cuts to both hands and knees. Ticking away the miles and people in front doing the half on the first loop, kept me going. But the loneliness of the extra marshman + loop was horrid, that and the wind. The occasional marshal was welcome sight. I was surprised to still be running, as had been prepared to have walked or pulled out at 21km if necessary. So I have held my lead to the end was unexpected, but brilliant. Renewed confidence for Nice in 6 weeks time. Finish time of 7h 17min – happy with that.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

48 days and 12 hours till IM Nice

My promise to do a brief update every week, since my last post has gone by the wayside. I definitely under estimated how much stress starting a new job can bring and the tiredness that has accompanied this. In this first couple of weeks came home on Wednesdays needing a short midweek nap. Having just finished the third week I am now starting to feel that I’m getting into a routine and becoming more settled and relaxed. Starting a new job in the final phase of Ironman preparation is not ideal. But positions don’t come up often and as a full time worker and part time athlete, I couldn’t turn down the opportunity. My training has had to change as a result. Adding a 20 mile journey to work has meant the loss of 2 hour Bodyworks swim sets. I can now only swim for the first hour and enjoy the pain of the main set only!! Good or bad thing, time will tell I guess. On the plus side I’ve been getting a lot of bike miles in the bank. The commute a couple of days a week from Eastbourne to Hastings has added some extra rolling bike miles. The rest of the time I’m lucky to car share; saving legs, fuel, money and the environment all in one go.

My life has also become a little brighter with the new arrival of a car. Living, working and training within a 2 mile radius has meant that I’ve had little use for a car. But a new job, miles away! Came with a pay rise and I needed a reliable car, my previous cars have all been run into the ground. The priorities were 1) fits me and my bike in it. 2) is as fuel efficient and environmentally friendly as cars can be. 3) is cute! After much internet searching and some test drives I settle on a Toyota Aygo Blue, which I collected last weekend. It’s lovely and shiny! And steeling a line from Simon “its so eco friendly that rather than giving out C02 it gives out flowers and you could drive 3 times round the world on a tablespoon of flax seed oil”.

Also good news is that the cross trainer and I are starting to wean ourselves from each other. My Achilles is definitely on the mend and I’ve started to build back into running. 7 weeks out from Ironman Nice this is not good, but I’m glad to be running at all. I just need to be sensible over the next two months. But honestly starting to really worry about the marathon. I keep trying to remind myself that I’ve done lots of long runs over the winter and an Ironman marathon is steady running not flat out. But that doesn’t really put me at ease, when I know the long runs and brick session that I could be doing. As I write this the Ironman France website reliable tells me that its 48 days and 12 hours to go and I’m honestly starting to panic inside.