Sunday, 28 June 2009

Crikey!! - Up date on last 6 weeks - King of the Mountians, Weymouth and Cowman race reports.

Hadn't realised it's been so long since I lasted posted a blog. Every long ride I've done over the past couple of weekends I've been thinking about what to write. But then come home and need a nap! So my best blogging intentions have gone to pot!

Since my last post we've been out in French Alps at King of the mountains. Our friends Guy and Helyn have converted an old french school house, into a chalet haven for cyclist and outdoorsy people. So we sent the week cycling and being completely pampered by Helyn's and Guy. Their enthusiasm and love of the area is infectious and over our stay we clocked over 450 miles, which 14,000m of climbing. Need less to say my legs were fried at the end. Unfortunately the Galibier was still (very) closed whilst we were there, otherwise we probably would have road the Marmotte route, but may be that was a good thing. Will post some pics shortly.

Weymouth Middle Distance Triathlon - 7th June 2009
First race back and was more than a little nervous but was keen to see if all my swim training would show. The verdict - not really, coming out the water in 36 minutes. In T1 face planted on a slippery step just as the Marshall shouted carefully it's slippery - comedy moment!! Powered away on the bike coming in with 3/4/5th women. Posting the fastest female bike split:-). Running legs came to from the start and i was able to run consistently, finishing in 3rd place. Bodyworks xtc team mate Yvette Grice took first place.

More Training!!!!

Cowman Middle Distance - 27th June 2009.
I can't talk about the cowman race without a picture of Bart Simpson coming into my head - childish i know. Heavy fog, which delayed the start meant the swim buoys were hard to sight, but every one had that problem. Missed the last buoy and had to make a detour back to swim around it. But that said took 40 seconds off last years time. Played on my bike strength and took 4 minutes off my time from last year, for a 2:42 and the fastest female bike split by 4 minutes. Having come out the swim in 10th, I came into T2 in first place. Unfortunately my legs were not having fun running and found the off road open sections really tough. Overtaken on the 2nd lap and then again on 3rd. Finished in 3rd place again just 21 seconds back from 2nd, having pulled some time back on the forth and final lap, Oh my legs are going to hurt tomorrow :-)

Promise to self to blog more often - Happy Training x