That pretty much sums up my blog updates of late. I'd like to say that i've been super busy training. But i haven't, i've been a bit under the weather, with some sinus problems and a bit of a chest infection, so have eased back on the training. Now getting back in the swing! Biking and running well but swimming feels much harder work than normal, that will be the weights sessions i've just started. My arms feel more like rocks in the water than usual :-)
Managed to drag Simon - out on a evening to Lewes firworks (rarely happens on a schoolnight!) - complete with Hog Roast in a bun and sparklers. Had fun but very cold and squished in the crowds, remember why i hadn't been since 5 years before.
Recieved some lovely new Zoot winter kit - thats not to say i'm likely the wet and windy weather we have a present, its just a bit more bareable. Also managed to get myself a pair of Zoot Ultra Speed Trainers (2010 super light race shoe) - Will be looking forward to my next interval session to try them out, i think not.
I'm setting myself a challenge for the next month, to post a blog once a week.
Sarah x