Simon came up on the Saturday night and we stayed at his Aunts in Esher, who he hasn't seen in years and years. So that was lovely! Catching up over 3 Pizza express takeaway pizzas, 2 Garlic breads and some wine, between 3 of us - very greedy and a weekend of minimal training which would not balance food intake, with energy expenditure!!!
Then Kris from the Tri Store left on his epic around the world bike ride! His blog
I then blame the close proximity to other athletes with air con, with the fact that i then came down with a chest infection. This time the doctor gave in to my pleas a prescribed antibiotics to knock it on the head quickly, as i was due to go out to Spain the following week.
Then for the last week of February we were training out in Spain, staying at Simon's Aunt and Uncles just outside
Calpe. We got to enjoy some lovely weather, while the UK was underwater! we had shorts, jersey and arm warmers riding weather! We got in some great rides, including a couple of epic all day-ers. The first not so successful, requiring a coke (sugar and caffeine) and crisps (salt and calories) stop and hour from home. We got some funny looks with me sitting outside a petrol station on the kerb!! But the second was more successful and better fueled. Although Calpe has been the base for some of the pro teams this February, we didn't see many. The only one we did see was 2 x Tour de france winner Alberto Contador. At the time i had a bag of power bar ride shot hanging out my mouth, as I was reaching into my jersey pocket, and probably had snot and saliva all over my cheek nice!!
Caterpillar snake!
Insect bit from hell. That's my leg with a massive lump on the side. The photo does not do it justice!
Unfortunately the week had to come to an end and we returned back to the UK and the cold. I've had an interview on the Monday for a Band 7 Physiotherapist position, which I got despite severe interview nerves. I was more nervous than before an Ironman!! The post is in Hastings so means a commute each way. Hopefully be able to ride a couple of days (or more). Meeting with coach next week to discuss. Only sad bit is I'll missed Bodyworks early am swim sessions and the banter :-(. Its okay I've got 6 weeks until I start.
16 weeks till Ironman France!
Sarah x