Friday, 1 October 2010

Day two in Hawaii

It's been another lovely day in Hawaii!
Today started with a very sweaty early morning run, along Alii drive, spotting a few ironman champions along the way. After breakfast i became a bit restless. Not having to rush around between training and work is new to me and certainly doesn't sit comfortably. I had trouble just resting, doing nothing and was itching to get out riding. It doesn't help the weather and road conditions are conducive to riding. I finally dragged Simon out the door for a two hour easy ride after much nagging and saying "I'm bored". Our ride was great, two hours and 3 x 600ml bottles and was still very thirsty. My QR Cd0.1 was fab to ride in the stiff cross winds.
After lunch, with a full stomach i had what was meant to be a short nap and slept instead for just over 2 hours (missing the heavy rain) - settling into holiday mode!